
“Our daughter started at Cape Cod Children’s Place around 8 months old. Upon starting, she quickly transitioned into the classroom and over the past year has flourished. As she’s grown we enjoy listening to her talk at home about her friends, teachers and classroom activities with excitement, often mimicking them at home. In addition, the teachers have been a wonderful resource to us as parents, guiding us through new experiences such as introducing food, sleep routines and potty training. Having a nurturing place to send our daughter each day allows us, as working parents, to feel comforted knowing she is in a safe and loving environment. We are incredibly lucky to be part of the Cape Cod Children’s Place family community.”
Both of my boys always come home happy and that is a key indicator to me that they are in the right place.
“As first time parents and relatively new Cape Cod residents, it was nerve wracking entering the world of full time early care. Our boys Jack (3.5) and Logan (20 mos) both started at Cape Cod Children’s Place (CCCP) at about 3 months of age. We had so many questions when we started Jack and tears were shed throughout the initial process because it’s a nerve wracking thing to hand over your 3 month old! With that said, it’s amazing to look back now and see how easy a seemingly impossible transition actually was. This was possible because of the amazing staff. Their empathy, open communication and genuine care for their classrooms and children were critical to this process. Both of my boys always come home happy and that is a key indicator to me that they are in the right place. They are not only happy at CCCP, but they thrive there. I can see it in the way their language and emotional skills have developed, the way their coping skills are emerging and the strong bonds they’ve not only built with their classmates, but with all of the staff both inside and out of their Lobster and Sea Star classrooms. The outreach and services offered by CCCP to support families are unmatched. We took full advantage of the parenting classes and have been so fortunate to have access to the numerous other ways in which they support our community. This team has helped us raise our family and we will be forever grateful for the experience.”
We were welcomed so warmly and we have been provided amazing attention, support, and resources.
“Our family has been a part of the Cape Cod Children’s Place (CCCP) family since 2016 when we enrolled our oldest son in the Sea Star early care classroom. In 2019, we enrolled our youngest son into the Sea Star classroom and our oldest son transitioned into the Lobsters preschool classroom. Each of the classrooms are such a joy to be a part of. The strength of the teachers in the Sea Stars and Lobsters classrooms truly shines in the smiles on my children’s at drop-off and pick-up each day. I know my children are engaged, cared for, challenged and supported socially and intellectually each day. Each of the teachers are very attentive and understanding of each of my children’s abilities and limitations and are very experienced in supporting my children through challenges and celebrating milestones. It is so fun to hear my children tell me about their days; activities, experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. Daily interactions with the teachers and more formal meetings with the lead teacher and director allow me to understand more about my children’s development and growth and offer us opportunities to have conversations about questions or concerns we have. Each classroom provides an appropriate and exciting curriculum for the children that engages their minds and bodies to help them navigate their world and grow. Since becoming a part of the CCCP community we were welcomed so warmly and we have been provided amazing attention, support, and resources. CCCP dedicates an enormity of care and compassion to families in the community in addition to providing an extraordinary environment for little minds to learn, play, and grow. We were very humbled and thankful for the great support CCCP has provided or helped organize for our family during times of struggle, including government shutdowns and healthcare pandemics. CCCP never ceases to surprise us when we hear of the great things they are spearheading or partnering to accomplish for the community. In addition to the superb care provided to our children, we have been able to be a part of one-on-one advice sessions, a variety of evening support programs, and other special events that they provide to support the local community. The programs we have attended have been informative and helpful and provided in settings where CCCP cultivates a safe environment for participants. There hasn’t been a day where we weren’t thankful to be a part of CCCP and their never ending work to support local families and the community.”