Parent Education

Cape Cod Children’s Place offers free workshops to assist you on your parenting journey

family education workshops registration and information



Cape Cod Children’s Place is here to support you on your parenting journey, we know being a caregiver and parent is the most challenging job and we offer FREE workshops to assist in learning more about the development and changes of your relationship with your children.


Call Cape Cod Children’s Place at 508-240-3310 with your name, email address, telephone number, number of adults and names and ages of children who will attend. Please indicate if you are in need of transportation.

These programs are funded by a  grant through the Children’s Trust and a Coordinated Community and Family Engagement (CFCE) grant from the MA Dept. of Early Education and Care, administered by the Cape Cod Children’s Place.

Some of the topics that have been presented are:

Kindergarten Readiness
Families Dealing with Divorce or Separation
Talking about Touching- a personal safety curriculum
Keeping Kids Safe
Dealing with Challenging Behaviors
Pediatric First Aid & Intro. to CPR
Understanding Temperament
Raising Healthy Families
Positive Discipline
Potty Training 101
Speech and Language Development
Sensational Kids Workshops and support group
Raising Healthy Boys

If you have a particular topic that you would like to hear more about, please contact us.

For Parent’s Advisory Council information, click here.


Education and Care 


Boy holding up a drawing of a rainbow through a window
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