Tuition Subsidies & Local Resources

boy cutting blue Play-Doh into pieces with girl in the background

We support all families in reaching their full potential

Contacts for a wide range of support services


Finding out what resources are available on the Cape can be overwhelming. Cape Cod Children’s Place can help families find information and contacts for a wide range of support services. See below for service listings and information. Not finding what you are looking for? Contact us, (508) 240-3310. We’re here to help and all inquiries are confidential and respected.

Resources for Childcare Subsidies

Cape Cod Children’s Place administers several tuition assistance and local scholarship programs.  Call us for more information, and/or an application for any of these programs.  508-240-3310

Brewster Childcare Scholarship Program
Childcare funds for Brewster families with children ages birth – 5 years.  Funded by the Town of Brewster.

Lower Cape Emergency Child Care Fund
Short-term help in meeting childcare costs for families in emergency situations who live in the 8 Lower and Outer Cape towns.  Funded by local sources.

Wellfleet Childcare Subsidy Program
Childcare funds for Wellfleet families with children ages birth – 5 years.  Funded by the Town of Wellfleet.


Other Tuition Resources

Bailey Boyd Associates — 508-430-4499
Childcare assistance for families living in Provincetown, Truro, Eastham, Brewster & Dennis.

Child Care Network — 888-530-2430
Tuition vouchers (through the Dept. of Early Education and Care; EEC) EEC waitlist, and childcare information and referrals.

Cape Cod Times Needy Fund – 508-778-5661 
PO Box 804,
Hyannis, 02601
Urgent financial assistance for basic needs to individuals and families residing on Cape Cod and the Islands.

Monomoy Community Services — 508-945-1501
Call for resources for Chatham families – Chatham Childcare Voucher Program
A childcare financial assistance fund for eligible residents and employees of Chatham businesses, intended to help local, working families in need of financial assistance with their childcare expenses.
Also available,

Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center – 508-430-7216 ext. 4044
Help for families living in Chatham and Harwich with tuition assistance, as well as information and support for young families.  Contact Lucy Gilmore;

Shaw Fund For Mariner’s Children — 781-762-0698
Financial assistance for families working in the fishing industry.

Towns of Harwich, Chatham, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro and Provincetown offer resident families with children ages 3 & 4 funding for Pre-School tuition.  Contact the town of your residence to inquire.


Clothing Swap   
Contact us for more information.

10 Ballwic Rd. Eastham

Our twice a year clothing swap has served hundreds of families for well over a decade. We look forward to providing gently used clothing to children ages zero to young adults. Our fall swap accepts fall & winter items and our spring swap shares spring and summer items. Keep an eye on our social media pages for details to drop clothes you are looking to pass along, and for our swap dates.

Contact us at 508-240-3310 or Joanne at for updates and additional drop off locations.

Cape Cod Foster Closet

“We are a non-profit organization made up of people who want to encourage serve and nuture foster families”.
Shoes, clothes & more for infants thru age 18 in foster care and in kinship/relative caregiver homes.  No referral needed.  Call 508-514-7125



Children’s Cove

Child Advocacy Center that works in partnerships to provide a comprehensive multidisciplinary response to child sexual abuse cases. Children’s Cove provides a compassionate, efficient, child-friendly facility for child abuse intervention.
Call 508-375-0410 / 888-863-1900 for more information.

click here for their website

In the interest of every child video

Barnstable County Department of Human Services

Barnstable County Department of Human Services plans, implements, and supports regional efforts that address critical health and human service needs.  Hunger, homelessness, suicide prevention, substance abuse, chronic disease, healthy aging, and disability issues are among our areas of focus.

By facilitation strategic planning, capacity building, program implementation, and securing funding for our community and municipal partners, the Department supports a coordinated system of care on Cape Cod.

We convene, connect, and collaborate to promote the health and well-being of all County residents and to help create a healthy, connected Cape Cod.

For information on additional health and human services, dial 211 or click here

Cape Veterans

No veteran is left behind to fight their personal battles alone.

The Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach Cneter (CIVOC) vision is to end chronic veteran homelessness and our mission is to provide comprehensive, life sustaining services and programs to veterans and their families. We deliver service-enriched house and all-inclusive supportive programs to veterans to ensure a lasting reintegration into families and communities for which they have sacrificed. Specializing in housing assistance, homeless prevention, mental health support, and food insecurity. The center also provides veterans acess to partner agencies and services outside of their core focuses.

To learn more please visit

 KDC Cape & Islands Early Intervention (EI)

Early Intervention (EI) is a parent coaching programs that provides educational, theraputic and support services to families with children, ages 0 – 3, who have developmental delays or may be at risk for delays. All children under age 3 can have an evaluation by a team of professionals to see if they are eligible and may benefit from EI services. If eligible, specialists partner with the family to develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) prior to the delivery of services. Opportunities for consultation with EI staff from different clinical backgrounds are available to best meet the needs of their child, children and family. For more information or to make a referral, please call (508) 418-5540,  fax (508) 392-6322 or email and you may also visit KDC.COM to learn more.

LGBT Professional & Family Resource Lending Library

download here

The materials listed in the above link are available at Cape Cod Children’s Place, which created this resource with support from the Gay and Lesbian Equity (GALE) Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation.

Cape and Islands Perinatal Wellness Alliance

A new baby changes your life in every way.

Becoming a parent is a major change that affects every aspect of life.  It is normal to feel overwhelmed, uncertain, and sensitive as you learn about motherhood, especially in the first few weeks.  However, if the troubles with adjusting to your new role persist, getting information and help as soon as possible will make a big difference in your ability to cope.

click here for the latest information from the Cape and Islands Perinatal Wellness Alliance.

Monomoy Early Childhood Family Resource Center –
CCCP satelite site.

Our mission is to help families raising young children in Chatham and Harwich access information, programs, resources and referral services to meet their needs using a strenth-based approach.

For a full description of information / referrals and concrete supports available, click here:
(English)   (Spanish)

Town of Chatham Dr. Florence Seldin Family support Program

 Early Education Tuition Assistance for Chatham and Harwich residents

Contact Lucy Gilmore, Monomoy Family Resource Coordinator
Email:     508-430-7216  ext. 4044

Provincetown Family Resource

Cape Cod Children’s Place Family Support specialist, Charlotte Fyfe, is available to meet with you by appointment, by calling 508-237-2688 or e-mail at

At the Provincetown Family Resource you will find:

  • Consultations for any Provincetown Family with children birth to 18 years.
  • Applications for financial aid from Provincetown’s John Henry Trust. This fund, bequeathed to the town in 2003, is for the benefit of children birth to 18 years whose families require financial assistance to pay for medical, dental, transportation, housing and childcare needs. There are income and residency restrictions. Financial details here. All requests are completely confidential. For more information or to download an application in ENGLISH or SPANISH.
  • Parenting information on a variety of topics, ranging from infancy to teens.
  • Referrals to medical care, counseling, housing assistance and free or low cost food and clothing. Also: mental health, addiction, education & childcare resources, parenting and support groups.
  • Someone to talk to, who can give you confidential referral information and help steer you to useful resources.

Other Resources

Lower Cape Resource Guide – English version
Lower Cape Resource Guide – Spanish version

Look for resources for licensed Early Education & Care Centers, and Family Childcare Providers as well as other useful resources on the Lower and Outer Cape; Town Libraries, Recreation Dept., Transportation, Family Support Services, Disability resources, Health, Medical & Dental services, General helplines.


Mid-Cape Family Resource Directory – English version
Mid-Cape Family Resource Directory – Spanish version

Look for resources for Early Education & Care Centers, and Family Childcare Providers as well as other useful resources in the Mid-Cape Area; Town Libraries, Recreation Dept., Transportation, Family Support Services, Disability resources, Health, Medical & Dental services, General helplines.


Parenting Classes

One-on-one support

3 kids running through yard with backpacks on
Our commitment is to provide a respectful and supportive experience to all.
child learning how to stack blocks with teacher
young students raising their hands in a classroom with a teacher
two toddlers coloring on paper
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